How to give my Guinea pigs more space

Kaitlin Liles
We recently adopted two females and we are using a cage with an area of 8 square feet. Once we put in the food, hay, and 2 crunchy condos, there is not much room for them to move around. We are getting them out every day and letting them run around the room (and holding them too), but I can’t help but feel like they need more space. One option I’m considering is removing one condo since one of them really likes the pouch in the fleece liner, but I'm worried that not having two condos will cause them stress. I’d love to hear any advice on this!



  • Comment author
    Paula Kelly

    So sorry for the delay.  Your cage is ample size for 2 guinea pigs but I understand what you're saying that the hay and condo's are taking up too much space.  Do you have a fleece liner with a pocket?  If so, try placing one of the condos under the pocket of the fleece liner. That may free up a little room. You can try taking one condo out and letting the guinea pig take the pocket as his hidey place.  The fact that you're letting them out every day to run around and do their zoomies (if they are so inclined) is fantastic!  That will help a lot with making sure they get enough exercise!  

  • Comment author
    Kaitlin Liles

    Thank you so much for the reassurance and great suggestions! I’ll try putting the condo under the pocket of the fleece liner. They do also like just getting in the pocket so maybe I can just take the 2nd condo out. I’ll try both!


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